Tracks Details

Language, Humanities, and Social SciencesLanguage, Identity, and Global Perspectives- Globalization, Language Evolution, and Cultural Identity
- The Role of Language in Bridging Cultural Perspectives
- বাংলা ভাষা, সাহিত্য ও সংস্কৃতি: জাতিসত্তার নির্মাণ, ঐতিয্য এবং উত্তরাধিকার
- Linguistic Diversity and Preservation
- Cross-Language Translation: Challenges and Opportunities
- Bridging Cultures Through Language and Translation
Tradition, Modernity, Arts and Society in the Digital Age- Artistic Expressions of Society and Identity
- Digital Innovation and Its Impact on Visual and Performing Arts
- Intersections of Tradition and Modernity in Artistic Practice
- The Role of Arts in Reflecting and Shaping Public Discourse
Social Systems, Policy, Law, and Inclusive Governance- Transforming Social Systems: The Role of Policy and Law
- Societal Challenges and Community-Led Initiatives
- Power Dynamics, Justice, and Governance in Modern Societies
- Engaging Communities for Inclusive Growth
- Gender Equity in Governance and Policy-Making
- Addressing Gender-Based Violence and Societal Transformation
Heritage, History, and Education in a Global Context- Historical Narratives and Their Impact on Contemporary Society
- Educational Innovations for a Changing World
- Internationalization of Education and the Context of NEP 2020
- Information and Communications Technology in Education
- Heritage and Identity in a Globalized Context
- Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Educational Systems
Economics and Business Trends in Global Markets- Demographic Dividend and Its Role in Global Economics
- Economic Development and Global Change
- Climate Change and Livelihood Vulnerability
- Emerging Business Trends in a Global Market
- Hospitality and Tourism: Balancing Growth with Cultural Sensitivity
- Evolving Market Dynamics and Consumer Behaviour
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Developing Economies
- Border Studies and Border Travel: Economic Impacts and Cross-Cultural Exchange
Social Science perspectives for Sustainable Development- Governance, Policies and Human Rights
- Youth, Gender and Social Change/Transformation
- Sustainable Rurual, Urban and Tribal Development
- Knowledge institution and Community Engagement
- Contemporary Social Issues and SDGs for Sustainable Solutions
Science and TechnologyFrontiers of Life Sciences – Innovations for Health, Agriculture, and Biodiversity- Precision Medicine Revolution: Genomics and Proteomics on the Cutting Edge
- Disease Modelling and Drug Discovery: Bioinformatics as the New Frontier
- Harnessing Microbial Power: Innovation for Health, Environment and Industrial Transformation
- Engineering Life: Biotechnological Breakthroughs in Bio-production
- Biodiversity at Risk: Strategies for Conservation and Ecosystem Health
- Adapting to Change: Climate Resilience in Natural Systems
- Smart Agriculture for Food Security: The Role of Precision Farming
- Next-Gen Pharmaceuticals: Innovations in Drug Development and Delivery
The Language of the Universe: From Mathematical Models to Signals, Smart Systems, and Computational Physics- Mathematics and Physics at the Frontier: Modelling the Mysteries of Nature
- From Big Data to Big Ideas: Analytics and Computational Physics
- Bridging Distances: Innovation in Communication Technologies
- Stargazing to Solutions: Observational Astronomy’s Newest Insights
- Astrophysical Wonders: Deciphering Phenomena from Dust to Supernovae
- Atmospheric Physics: From the Earth’s Surface to Space Weather Dynamics
- Life in Motion: Biophysics from Molecular Structures to Medical Insights
- Nano Horizons: Transforming Energy and Medicine with Nanotechnology
- Energy Unbound: Pioneering Battery Science for a Greener Future
- Seeing the Unseen: Quantum and Nonlinear Dynamics
Chemistry and Earth Science – Building a Green and Sustainable World from Molecules to Mountains- Chemistry in Action: Innovations Driving Practical Solutions, Computational Chemistry
- Earth’s Secrets Revealed: Understanding Processes That Shape Our Planet
- Materials of Tomorrow: Advances Transforming Industry and Technology
- Environmental Chemistry: Analysing and Protecting Our Ecosystem
Intelligent Systems and Future Cities – AI, Smart Tech, and Digital Resilience- AI for Good: Machine Learning Transforming Industry and Society
- Data Science at Work: Insights Shaping Modern Business and Economy
- Securing the Digital Realm: Cybersecurity and Privacy in a Connected World
- Smart Cities and Beyond: Intelligent Technologies for Urban Transformation

Publication Details

Papers selected from the Oral / Poster presentations will be published in Scopus / Web of Science / ABDC / UGC-care listed journals following due review process.

Template for Abstract Submission

1. Only original and unpublished work is eligible for publication.
2. The full-length articles must be in .docx, .doc, or in latex format as per respective journals requirements.

Click here to check the paper submission details

Review Criteria

After sending the manuscript to the respective journals, the review process will be done as per respective journals review criteria.

Template for E-Proceeding

Proceeding will be updated soon